Thursday, September 11, 2014

El Flamenco

Tonight i came home to find my host mom in the living room watching a youtube video of the Flamenco and the table pushed aside. I asked her what she was doing, and she laughed and responded with "trato el Flamenco" (i am trying the Flamenco).

I went to go take a shower and came  back and asked her how it went, she burst out laughing... and told me she didn't have enough enegry tonight to practice more. Her and i continued to talk about the different dances here in Spain and also in Mexico, I got a small demonstration of each one from her. It was the cutest thing! And after she was all done and she sat back in her chair she laughed for about 5 minutes. This was my favorite moment with her thus yet. 

Tonight I also had to help her to understand her computer. She wanted to know how to watch a DVD on her computer and how to open the disc drive. She said "can you help me my son never helps me with this kind of stuff..." typical 20something son right? lol So i showed her and helped her and she was so excited. It was a DVD about the place she traveled to during the summer. 

She is so adorable.  

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