Friday, October 17, 2014

you are kidding right?

The school that i attened here in Granada is filled with americans from all over the world. Well today while i wass walking home for lunch I was behind a small group of students: two girls and a boy. I over  heard their converstaion, and could not help but have a reaction to what i heard... 

Girl 1: My sister is driving to Chicago this weekend 
Boy: oh cool!! 
Girl 1: She texted me when they were in Ohio... I dont understand why she went so far out of her way to get to chicago....
Boy: well Ohio is very close to Illinois. 
Girl 1: wait what I thought it was really down south... 
Girl 2: umm Oklahoma is down south... 
Girl 1: hmm I really could use a geography lesson. 

I honestly could not help but smile and laugh a little inside. Are you kidding me? This is the reason people around the world think ameriancas are not very smart... That maybe they need a better educational system... Well after hearing that I am embarassed that cases like this set the whole sterotype for americans and their intelligence level.    

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