Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Dar alguna cosa

Every day since my first day here in Granada I walk past a homeless man ad his dog. They sit next to a mall up against the wall. The man holds the dog in his lap  and pets him. He has no sign for begging, he has no specific cup or bowel to put money. He just sits there with the little that he owns and watches the world around him pass by him. 

Their is always a dog food bowel, sometimes filled sometime empty. I personally think that he feeds his dog before he feeds himself.

Homeless people have always pulled on my heart strings, but this one pulled more than the rest. The dog food thing is what put my heart in a swore. 

Last night on my way to a meeting I had a bag lunch with me from my host mom bc I would not be back in time for dinner. I walked past the man, like always, but this time I stopped and turned looked at my sack lunch and then at the man. At that moment I switch my direcetion of pattern. I apporched the man andd handed him my sack lunch, consisting of a sandwich and an apple. I had remembered times when i was a kid with my family in downtown chicago, my dad bought a man a meal from McDonalds. That was a moment in my life that will never be forgotten. 

When i handed the man the lunch the glow and light in his eyes was something so amazinng. He was so greatful. 

I then carried on to class and as i walked i had little tears of happiness. 

"Everyday is a gift and not a given right" So make the most of it and do good, "leave no stone unturned" 


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